Hey there. If someone has ever told you to stay positive 100% of the time, they weren’t being honest with you. No one is positive all the time. We all have moments, days, or even weeks when intrusive thoughts take over, and that’s okay. What matters isn’t being positive every moment—it’s how we navigate those moments when our mindset isn’t where we want it to be.

Regret doesn’t come from a single wrong decision. It comes from knowing deep down what you want but choosing the easier path instead. We avoid confronting ourselves because it’s hard. It’s uncomfortable to admit that we’re not on the right track. But if you don’t take the time to reconnect with yourself, decades from now, you’ll wonder why you didn’t make the change when you had the chance.

It’s tempting to take the easy road, the one everyone says you “should” take. But deep down, we all have that nagging voice telling us where we truly belong. Ignoring it might make today easier, but decades later, it’s the regret that stings the most.

We often confuse readiness with external motivation “watching inspiring videos, downloading the right apps, or reading all the how-to guides.”, but real readiness doesn’t come from those things. It comes from within, when you decide it’s time for change and trust yourself to navigate the unknown.