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How Doing the Opposite Changed Everything for Me

Hey there. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most powerful. If there’s an aspect of your life you’re not satisfied with, try this: do the opposite. Yes, it sounds ridiculously oversimplified, but you might be surprised by how well it works.

This approach isn’t about perfection; it’s about experimenting with change. I’ve used this mindset in several areas of my life, including podcasting. When I started this journey, I hesitated for months. I recorded practice episodes but didn’t feel they were good enough to share. Finally, I decided to flip the script and take action. I committed to recording a short segment daily and publishing it, no matter what. It wasn’t perfect, but it got me moving.

The same happened with interviewing. I once avoided it, fearing I’d interrupt or talk over guests. But I pushed myself to try. Those early interviews were nerve-wracking, but I grew more confident with each one. And every time I pushed past discomfort, I gained clarity on my path.

Looking back five years, I never could have predicted where I’d be now. Life throws unexpected opportunities and challenges our way. By embracing the “opposite” mindset, I’ve discovered solutions I never thought possible. And what starts in one area—like podcasting—can ripple out into others, creating momentum for growth.

So, if there’s something you’re dissatisfied with, ask yourself. What’s the opposite of what I’m doing? Then, take that action. It doesn’t have to be perfect or even fully formed. You’ll be amazed by what happens when you start.

If this idea resonates with you, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Send me an email at And don’t forget to sign up for The Almost Daily Email for more inspiration and insights: Join here.

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