Daryl Perry

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Geek Out Podcast 003: Brett You

Listen to this episode with Brett on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your pods.

Show question responses:

What do you geek out about?: Movies, new tech, traveling

How did you first get into this?: Movies — started when I was young with the two movies I remember seeing in my grandfather’s tv cabinet: Raiders of the Lost Ark & The Empire Strikes Back. These were recorded off tv. Then I worked in a movie theater during my teens and early 20s.

New Tech — started in my junior high days when I just got into finding the new tech stuff I could get. Mostly it was small stuff like new graphics cards or “watching” the first WWF payperview on the internet in 1998-99.

Traveling — started when I was 9 and we traveled to visit my dad for the summer across the country in Seattle.

Where are you now with it?: Movies — I am still a movie buff but I don’t see as many new things in the theater as I used to with a near 8 month old. But I make an effort to see things on streaming if I can’t get to the theater.

New tech — I can afford a lot more and have some smart home tech, not to mention podcast gear.

Traveling — I’ve traveled to 34 states, 2 Canadian Provinces, Aruba, Mexico, England & France. My bucket list trip was supposed to happen in 2020… but you know, 2020 happened! That trip is a two week trip to Italy visiting Venice, Florence, Pisa, Pompeii & Rome/The Vatican. This summer will be our first long distance trip with our daughter.

Where would you like to see this go in the future?: Movies — I want to do a movie themed podcast.

Tech — I just want to continue being a tech enthusiast.

Traveling — want to keep traveling and experiencing new things.

Where can listeners find out more about you?: @becomingbrett on twitter, instagram, facebook, TikTok

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